Sunday 26 August 2012

[Book Review] Dark Needs At Night's Edge (Immortals After Dark, #5) by Kresley Cole

Sooooo, here we go again, another one of Kresley Cole's books. My infatuation for this series has barely seemed to fade at all ever since I fell in love with it yet again after re-reading Kiss of A Demon King (the first one that caught my eye). And this book has again proven why I love the series so much....

Yes, yes, again we have stereotypes of the hero so handsome it hurts. I can't say the same for the females, considering other books where some girls are described as plain and dull (though they get the guy, anyway). But this is reality -- readers are not expected to transcend stereotypes and ponder about the true meaning of life and whatnot in fantasy books like this. Girls like, and we want an ultra-hot vampire or werewolf completely smitten with us. And as overused as the formula of the hero is, we still would prefer them over the resident immortal fat pig. (I am not fatist, btw.) It is still a fantasy for us to indulge in, after all!

This cover was actually not that badly received by yours truly. Though extremely corny as usual, the guy's face and bod just grew on me after a while, and oh boy, I just melt for messy hair. Besides, it helped a lot as could imagine him as Conrad, our troubled hero in this book, something I am grateful for. Mmmm. That being said, I wish he would still cover up. The face alone would be fine; the title is provocative enough.

Nevertheless, I continued to be shy at heart (dramatic movement of hands to chest) and the book was still face down 90% of the time, whether I was reading it or not.

Former warlord Conrad Wroth, being turned into a vampire by his brothers against his will, has dedicated his life to destroying all of his own kind as a master assassin. A member of the Horde* (see A Hunger Like No Other), he has repeatedly killed and drained beings to death, causing their memories to be imbued into his very own mind -- slowly driving him to insanity as he can no longer differentiate his own memories from those he has obtained. When his brothers manage to imprison him in an abandoned manor, he realizes that there is someone else in the manor, a beauty in which only he can see -- yet cannot touch -- and the feelings of affection and lust long extinguished return in full force... 

Néomi Laress, once a famous ballerina, became a phantom the night she was murdered. Invisible to the living, she has lived alone with no companion or anyone to talk to for eighty years. When she realizes the intimidating and half-mad vampire can see her, she is finally freed from her emptiness and loneliness she has endured for so long. And yet, even though she feels this longing and desire for him, they are unable to even touch she is trapped in her spirit form, unable to feel anything or anyone, only static electricity. 



Overall Rating: / 5

Once again, Kresley Cole has brought together two characters from entirely different worlds and personalities and seamlessly woven them into one special book. However, this story is not as light-hearted as some others in the series; we have one seriously troubled hero, and a beautiful but lonely ballerina. Most of the book centres around seksi Conrad fighting the madness inside him. It also largely takes place in the abandoned manor, unlike many of Kresley Cole's books that have lots of travelling*.
(*see Dark Desires After Dusk)

Conrad is double trouble. Not only is he constantly being hunted down by different groups for their own uses, je also has major issues throughout the book i.e. prone to extreme rages and the resulting immense power due to it that hurts the people around him. He constantly suppresses his emotions, maybe except anger. Everything that he does is calculated, measured and with the skill of a master assassin. Even in his life as a human, he never had the chance to truly enjoy life, being thrust into war too young and dying due to it. Women were never attracted to him as most had their eyes set on his other brother Murdoch* (Deep Kiss of Winter) instead, the ladies' man. And he's a virgiiiin... now let's be honest here, we all want a virgin hero. *squeaks in delight*

Hold your breaths -- and I introduce Néomi Laress, the beeeeautiful ballerina! As always, she happens to be the exact opposite of our dear brooding Conrad. (Fate is always so naughty, or should I say, clichéd.) The major difference between them that really brings both of them together is their view on life. Néomi loved life and enjoyed it to her fullest, even continuing to do so despite her loneliness after being murdered. On the other hand, Conrad has almost given up on himself, dooming himself to suffer and this continues in a vicious cycle.

Sooooo this book, as mentioned, takes place largely in the manor where Néomi will be trapped for eternity. This poses another question -- how is she going to have her happily ever after with him this way? Ah, that is why you must READ! :)
The female characters in the Lore are mostly very strong willed and physically powerful. Néomi is different in the physical aspect as she is completely invulnerable, and she has telekinetic powers instead! This is why I love Immortals After Dark; the characterisations and abilities are so varied and colourful (at least for the females, that is *cough*) Compare any two such as Mariketa the Witch (Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night) and Kaderin the Coldhearted (No Rest For The Wicked) -- totally different.

If any author can make my pain my heart on a regular basis, it's KC. Well, not only because I am dying for more new books from her, but the narrative is done so well my poor heart hurts for the bloody characters in the climatic situations (like when the other character does something unforgivable!!! GRRR). This book has effectively achieved it as well.

Kresley Cole has great, brilliant, brilliant fantasies when it comes to copulation. I liked the one that involved the table so much (heh, heh). I will dedicate one special post just to blabber about the different species in the series and decide which one I prefer as my mate....;)
Oh, I am almost missing the point. I hope KC never runs out of inspiration for these acts. They are so pleasing to the mind and imagination.

Of course, the book is not perfect.:3 It wasn't that dark and all that, but it didn't have that much humour I generally look for in romance books (along with the great sex scenes and witty bantering, also why I gave Dark Desires 5*). There wasn't much action either... mostly involving Conrad's rages and fury. However, it was generally enjoyable all the same.

Lastly, before this review gets tooooo long, I absolutely must mention the virginity aspect. AH HA HA HA FINALLY the HERO is the VIRGIN!!!!!! How long I have waited for this in a KC book!! I am SO SICK AND TIRED of seeing the female virgin ALL THE TIME!!!! (I will elaborate on this in Wicked Deeds.) Conrad makes the list as one of my top favourites as he is one of the first heroes I have ever read to blushhhhh. If I ever write a book, my hero will definitely blush and be shy sometimes. Alpha males are overused!!!!

As usual, KC wraps it all up nicely with an ending that leaves me so satisfied and happy. (oops.) Really, she should write a book as a combined sequel to the entire series showing them happily with their families... For now, I'll just fantasise about what the next book will be.... Maybe Melanthe and Thronos*? :D
*(very popular pairing; implied in KoaDK)

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