Wednesday 10 October 2012


Finally. MY GOSHH. :DDDD


Need I say more? This marks my return to civilisation, writing book reviews, and maybe watching GAME OF THRONES. Ahahaha.
I popped into the library today to look for the Kresley Cole book I barely touched (well, if you consider looking through 2 pages of a 300-page book as 'touched') to commemorate my end of exams for the year. (Y) I ended up with three books instead.

- Flood by Stephen Baxter (his books are just... wow.)
- Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (long story, but it has something to do with Things Fall Apart, the book I study for English Literature.)
- Dreams of a Dark Warrior by Kresley Cole (well, duh!!)

I think I'll revamp the theme and stuff of the blog too. The colours are a bore. :D And I guess I'll finally get to write the review on Doing It Right by Maryjanice Davison, though I never did complete the book and I don't feel interested enough to pick it up again... And I'll watch TV. OH TV, MY LOVE.
So much to do, so little time.... :D

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